National Socialist Studies
Our Legacy of Truth presents a collection of speeches, essays, and other assorted writings from a side of the National Socialist cause which you are not likely to hear from, as well as links to other pertinent material. By providing this rare source material and information, it is our hope that the thoughtful reader will study both sides and judge for himself the morality of the historical and present place of the National Socialist movement instead of letting the current media and political establishment judge for him. The editors of Our Legacy of Truth do not necessarily take the positions of all the writers presented here, but merely provide this information as a study tool in your quest for Truth.
Our List of Selections
Selected Public Speeches and other works of Adolf Hitler
The National Socialist Platform
Off-Site Writings and Speeches by Joseph Goebbels
A Brief History of National Socialism in America
14 Days that Saved the World
By: Ingrid Rimland
The Social and Political Impact of the Holocaust Campaign in Today's Europe
By: Jurgen Graf
A Straight Look at the Third Reich
By: Prof. Austin App
The Importance of Holocau$t Revisionism
By: Harold A. Covington
On the Eichmann and Goebbels Papers
By: David Irving
Why I Believe in Jewish Ritual Murder
By: Harold A. Covington
What We Stand For
By: George Lincoln Rockwell
The Enigma of Hitler
By: Leon DeGrelle
Adolf Hitler: A Personal Testament
By: Harold A. Covington
Hitler's Social Revolution
By: Leon DeGrelle
The Destiny of America
By: Francis Parker Yockey
Letter to a Young White Male
By: Harold A. Covington
The Book That Was Ignored (Part 1)
By: Harold A. Covington
14th Century Economics Lesson
By: Harold A. Covington
Nothing Lasts Forever
By: Harold A. Covington
The Struggle That Dare Not Speak its Name
By: Harold A. Covington
The Song, Not the Singer
By: Harold A. Covington
It's Time to Begin Again
By: Harold A. Covington
In Memory
By: Peter Anthony
Dreaming the Iron Dream
By: Harold A. Covington
In Hoc Signo Vinces
By: George Lincoln Rockwell
The Nature of the Conspiracy
By: Lewis Hall
On the Art of Propaganda
By: George Lincoln Rockwell